What has the world turned into? Not only that buying a house is now not a merely possible achievement, but to add getting hustled by the developer? This is absurd.

A recent event in China which reported in The South China Morning Post where many homebuyers has been fallen victim of their developer after they have gotten their keys. It seems that they did not get what they were promised.

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The developer, Changsa Shiji Yujing Real Estate, had been giving false promise to their buyers. Few to name were:

  • “A park lifestyle..”
  • High vegetation cover..”
  • “Park views..”

But the reality is not even close.

What has been promised as “lake view”, has been replaced by coloured plastic that has been made to look like a lake. And they even have the courtesy to build a small wooden bridge over it — just in case no one wants to get wet?

Some of the property are also covered in grass block paving which is covered in yellow mud and withered turf. That is very far off than the promised vegetation landscape.

This is undeniably, a false advertising at its best. What makes the matters worse, is that it involves a large amount of money and involving a lot of people.

Due to the recent outrage, it has been reported that the developer will be meeting the representatives of the owners, and the Urban Planning and Fire Department for further discussion.

What do you think of this incident? Imagine if you are one of the homebuyer. This is an awful example to how bad people are doing business.

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